Monday, October 20, 2008

Jackets, Jackets, Jackets

Ah, Suze Orman would have been so proud of the ladies at the Leslie Loudon Guild luncheon on Oct. 20. This lunch is one of my favorite events to blog on about. Every year it's the place to be to see what NQPS women are wearing for the fall season.

And every year it's jackets! So here's Midge in hers--it's a lightweight raw silk with the most beautiful embroidery detail on it. Honestly a jacket that can be worn year-round and always look good with skirt or pants. She found it at Coldwater Creek. So pretty.

Deb looked so great in hers: she went with the good ol' staples of black pants & tank (can you ever have too many of those?? I think that's my winter uniform) and lit it up with this cool silk number in beige, black, & white. Looked like it was woven in and out like ribbons but it was actually pleated. So pretty! She told me the catalog where she found it: Dane & Divine? Dive & Daning? Dave & Dining? Dangit & Damn? As you can see I promptly forgot it. Sorry. Deb, if you read this, put a comment on & tell people where you got the divine dining jacket.
Jackie looked pretty divine herself in this 3/4 length jacket black & beige print. This is a great length for smoothing over figure flaws and making one appear taller. Neither of which are problems Jackie has. But she looked great in it. She got this one at Chico's, which seems to be everyone's favorite store.
Takes a lotta ladies to put on a luncheon like this. Lyn (center) was the chair of the event & did a wonderful job. She's got on a cool dress of filmy fabric in a great autumn-looking beige print, topped with the leopard print shawl. Grrrrrr. And a little baby Louie on her shoulder.

Becky (left) was on the committee, she wore a simple black cowl neck with a cute beige puffy little unpressed-pleat skirt & chic black pumps. Loved it!

Melissa (right) worked on the committee too and looked so profesh in her black skirt & black & white houndstooth jacket. (It matches her golf bag.)

And the best-dressed award goes again to Kay, who wore this fabulissimo jacket that is actually more a piece of art than a jacket. It's black boiled wool with amazing embroidery and silk flowers in green and lavender. I mean, it is delicious. It is rockin'. It is major, major, major. She got it at Gretchen, which is Gretchen Gilday's new store. Gretchen used to be the manager of Steve Goodwin's Haberdasher Ladies, but she bought the space and made it her own. So there are new lines, new things, new sizes, and some real style for NQPS! Go there! I actually haven't made it in yet but I honestly intend to. Soon.

PS It's "Gretchen" singular, not "Gretchen's" posessive.

Not just jackets, TIGHTS! You gotta be brave to wear tights like these!This is Marcy, the Community Development Director at Memorial Hospital, and these tights are bold. You have to wear stuff like this with moxie, & she has it. So let's be brave, I say. Good for you, Marcy. "The ability to accessorize is what sets us apart from the lower species." (That's a famous quote from "Steel Magnolias", I think.)

Actually, the fashion show at the lunch was staged by Memorial Hospital gift shop, and it was all accessories. Obviously if you go in the hospital gift shop and expect to see nothing but a few Get Well cards and some porcelain figurine angels, think again. The shop at Memorial is a great place for accessories, and Marcy and her shop manager Pam talked about how much fun they have going to market every season in Las Vegas to find new, unusual, and moderately priced items.

At the show models wore all kinds of great new bags: huge hobos and structured satchels, fuzzy & furry, two-tone, laden with silver & braids, patent & croc. And scarves: chiffon, burn-out velvet, soft & furry. And watches: silver and very contemporary, bangle-style, only $17! Jewelry: giant cocktail rings, stone bracelets and delicate necklaces. And of course: JACKETS!
Like Suze says, "Remember ladies, it's People first, then Money, then Things, then JACKETS."

Go get yours quick.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...