Friday, March 20, 2009

Pegasus Fund-Raiser & Fashion Show

I know! I know! I haven't blogged for a couple months, mainly because I was on vacation and even though I had great plans to blog over in Maui--well, I guess the blog went on vacation too.
After all, this blog is titled "Not Quite Palm Springs" not "Not Quite Maui". So I decided I may as well wait til I get home to see what was going on in the NQPS of Washington. Bad Blogger, Bad Blogger.

Today was a luncheon at Gasperetti's to benefit the Pegasus Project (go to ), a therapuetic riding center at Tumbleweed Ranch near Naches that provides horseback riding lessons to people (especially kids) with special needs.
The lunch included an informal fashion show from Garden Dance ( ) at 10 N. Front Street--I've blogged that shop before. Michelle Wyles, the Garden Dance Doyenne, fills it with a fun & funky mix of boho chic, fabulous accessories & assorted other brave wierdities.
Soooooo, here goes. I blogged some attendees and some of the models.

It's not quite still winter but it's not quite spring--that's why Terri's jacket was perfect for a day like today. It's a brown tweed, giant buttons, but the best part is the braided trim around the collar & also on the back. Looks like it could have been part of a suit but she tells me it's just the jacket. And like Suze Orman says, It is all about the jacket. Very cool.

This is Michelle Wyles, Garden Dance owner, and yes, this is how she usually dresses. It's entertaining just to go in the shop to see her. She informs me that she blogs, too, so go to the Garden Dance website to read hers. She called this short white chiffon number the "Fat Girl's Wedding Dress" because it has no waistline & is flowing & forgiving. She belted it with a kooky cameo belt, covered it with a denim jacket, and pulled on her cowgirl boots just for good measure. And it looks fabulous on her. She's brave.

Stephanie, one of the models, was wearing this dress before the show started: it's black knit, body-hugging, trimmed with tiny white stitching and big embroidered flowers that wrap around from front to back. So neat & polished! And great if you work out all the time. I, however, would need several miles of Spanx before I put that baby on.

This would be Betsy in one of the coolest wrap-around skirts: there are snaps all the way around the waistline so it fits almost anyone. Plus they're out of these great fabrics that don't wrinkle & would be so good to throw in a suitcase. Then when you get through eating your way through New York or Chicago or wherever, you move the skirt over a snap, and you can still wear it home! (Always thinking.) This was an animal print paired with a pumpkin-colored sweater that had tiny rosettes all around the neckline & front. Really seasonless and very pretty.

I took this picture mainly because I LOVE that little bag she's carrying, it's so cute & clever. And the scarf was fabulous, it was shimmery green on one side and blue on the other. But I think you'd have to be 5'11" (like this darling model--didn't get her name, sorry) to carry that off.

An adorable chiffon top--all plaid-y and ruffle-y and perfect for every day with jeans or for a night out.

Janie, the Executive Director of Pegasus and also the Queen of Casual in her orange/pink/yellow/earthy print cardigan, dark wash jeans and Lucy Valderhaug necklace. (Lucy's stuff can be found at Garden Dance, too.) Janie was just happy to be there & happy to see that many women care about Pegasus.
Thanks to Gasperetti's, Garden Dance, Denyse's Shoes, and Gilbert Winery for a fun day & a funky fashion show. Hope you raised lots of dollars!

1 comment:

drc said...

Welcome home! Glad to see you made it safely home.

I just have to comment on the little purse! I have one like it except mine is red/black. I love it because it is the perfect size for carrying just basics. It is also a great conversation starter.