Friday, April 17, 2009

Relay for Life--HELP!

Ok, perhaps I don't look especially stylish here, but this is what I wear when I'm raising money for the American Cancer Society at Yakima's annual 24- Hour Relay for Life. (If you were out there 24 hours you'd look like shit, too).
This year I'm trying to raise $5,000 before the Relay on May 30 and I need your help! It's harder than ever for people to give and it's been difficult to raise that money in past years, let alone a year like this.
So if you feel moved to donate some money for cancer research, if you've had someone you love get cancer in the past year, if you've ever lost anyone in your family to cancer, I hope you'll give.
Just click on this link which will take you directly to my donation page. You can donate with a click or a check, I'm not picky.
Thank you all, Dear Blog Readers!

1 comment:

drc said...

You look like mom in this picture!