Friday, December 26, 2008


Time to wrap up 2008 so here are some random photos I've gotten recently:

The perfect boots for the crappy weather we've had through Christmas: Cindi got these in Portland & they look great with the big buckle and the toe and heel detail PLUS they have rubber soles and nice chunky heels. So they are the footwear version of 4-wheel drive with snow tires. Or at least they'll get you from the parking lot to the door, and what else do you really need?

Donna wore this candy-cane striped shirt to a ladies' Christmas lunch at Tony's--it was crisp, colorful, chic, and fit perfectly. She told me last summer that she had found a tailor in Seattle to make her shirts as she could never find off-the-rack ones that fit right. So she has ordered about 799 of these bespoke styles and has one in every color. This one was perfect for Christmas revelry. And boy did we revel.

Women have their goofy holiday sweaters, who says men shouldn't own at least one Christmas shirt? This is a black silk by Tori Richards, depicting a jolly old Santa being pulled across the horizon by his reindeer. Mike wore this shirt to several different holiday parties. (Those who know my husband will probably recognize that nose.)

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