Job Opening, Needed Immediately if Not Last Week:
Personal stylist desperately needed for 40-something female governor of very large, very icy Western state, a mother of 5, soon-to-be grandmother, huntress, business owner, activist.
Needs help with updating her beauty-queen-runner-up style that includes tiny, squarish glasses, superannuated, gravity-defying beehive hairdo, and nondescript Kohl's white shirts that probably remind old wrinkled Republican men of the librarian in the porn movie who 90 seconds into the film has pulled out the bobby pins, thrown off the tortoise-shell rims, and ripped open the shirt to reveal the Agent Provocateur black lace demi-cup.
Also needs assistance with her anti-choice, anti-gay, anti-gun control, anti-evolution, narrower-than-a-Wasilla-dirt-road political views, but that's gonna take a lot more than a fashion stylist. And that's not the purpose of this column. So I'll just keep that opinion to myself.
Bwahahaha!!! That's great! Kreg would disagree with you though...I think he might actually approve of her!
Now, now. . be nice. . . .
I like her pink blazer. She wore it for the Katie interview.
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