Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Hollarin Atcha Boy, 2.0

Ok, so after asking everyone I knew if they knew anything about Blayne (no one did), last night it gets dropped in my lap from our friend Brandon at the Warehouse Theater that Blayne is his BROTHER!!! (Well, half-brother I guess). Omg! What a bombshell! And he just mentioned it, like out of the blue, like we should have known that all along. So wierd.
Brandon says that the tanning obsession is fairly new (probably manufactured & magnified by the show's producers), that Blayne had a fashion show of his stuff last year in Seattle that was attended by hundreds of peeps--many of them NYC designers & bigwigs, and that his family honestly does not know whether he won or lost or how long he competed in Project Runway.
Of course they're very proud of him for being on national television, but Brandon himself said he can't imagine anyone he knows actually wearing his stuff. As for the shallow question, hmmmm......I never got around to that.
So there ya have it. I kind of think they're keeping Blayne on the show merely for entertainment purposes, just to see that strange look on Tim Gunn's face when he says, "girrrlicious!" And he is pretty entertaining. But if he's really supposed to be the next wunderkind a la' Christian Syrriano he's going to have to crank out a lot of good, original, innovative stuff in the next few weeks.
Blayne. You either love him, or you love to hate him. I guess if he were my brother I'd love him, too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

omg. I sent Blayne a note via myspace that he should come to Yakima and do a fashion talk at the Warehouse, as a fundraiser for Allied Arts!! No response yet, but now I must stalk down Brandon. Thanks for the fashion tip, NQPS. ;) --JM