Monday, April 21, 2008

YWCA Luncheon

Eight hundred women attended the YWCA lucheon today--okay, maybe 790 women and 10 men--to hear Denise Brown, Nicole Brown Simpson's sister, speak on domestic violence & to raise money for the YW's Battered Women's Shelter.
Usually this is a spring event that brings out that little bit of style that we can find in Yakima every once in a while--new spring skirts & tops, a few dresses here & there, some florals & fun colors. But this year it was 43 degrees out and by afternoon sleet was coming down, the wind was howling, and we were back in February. Oh well.
Denise, from Dana Point, Cal. & obviously not ready for this winter business, bundled up in a big ol' grey sweater thing. Not so flattering.
My choice for Style Star was Elyse Umemoto (from Wapato----whuhpato?) who is Miss Washington and runner-up to Miss America. She gave a short speech, made the big "ask", and wore a fabulous Chanel-style tweed suit that was finger-lickin' fabulous. Yum! Course all those pageant girls have to have a nice suit, I'm sure. Plus she was so relaxed, endearing, and very poised but very un-pageanty about the whole thing. Of course I couldn't get her pic because afterward she was pretty much mobbed by the 10 men that attended the thing. But I like to think she would have been really cool about it. I'm pretty sure we would have been friends. Hmmm.
Anyway, there was lots of style to be had if one looked in all the corners. Here's some of it:

Whatever happened to suits? You know what this town needs? More suits! This red houndstooth is so chic--like Leah was channeling Princess Di. And perfect for a spring day that was so freakin cold everyone wished they'd stayed home roasting marshmallows in front of the fireplace. She looked great & confessed that she'd gotten it a couple seasons back at Macy's. But it still is very fresh for 2009, it's a great look and the color was welcome in a sea of black and beige.
Hmm, can one get thrown in jail for surrepticiously taking pics of people's shoes? Like the guy at the mall a couple years ago? Well, I guess he wasn't looking at shoes, but anyway....
Actually, I did confess to Mary Jo later that I'd ambush-blogged her. Aren't they great? Black and white spectator types , 4" heels, platforms, and peep-toes. What else could a shoe want? She says they're a little difficult to walk in, but hey--shoes this great are a work of art. Hang them on your wall and stare at them every morning when you wake up. Fabulous way to start your day. And if you do occasionally wear them, wear them like you mean it. Wear them confidently, like you wear shoes like that every day of your life. Even to Safeway.

Kay did the twin-set & pearls thing for the luncheon, and we're talkin lots & lots of pearls--but like I told her, one can never have too many, right? Anyway, the sweater set was splashed with all kinds of springy flowers and even little dresses and other misc. things, and it was perfect for this occasion.
And from SteinMart!!!! Score! We should start a campaign to get a SteinMart here in the Palm Springs of Washington. T.J. Maxx can only take a girl so far.

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