Saturday night was the Fresh Hop Ale Fest, Allied Arts' annual fundraiser in the Millenium Plaza. The weather was cool, the bands were hot, the beer was cold and hoppy, the wine was smooth and grapey, and the crowds were dressed for an outdoor party in October. It's always a fun event and the weather can be perfect or perfectly awful. This year we lucked out, it was chilly but pleasant. So how do Yakimanians dress for a night of hops? Here ya go:
It was chilly, but she looked so cozy in this white Polar-tec type jacket. Plus perfect accessories: black beret, white fuzzy gloves, empty beer glass.....Whoa how did that happen?

All right, I just had to put this guy in. I mean, how many Hoppy Hats have you seen? He made everyone wish they had one! Let's drink to that. I believe he already had, several times.
These girls had it all goin' on: love the chunky necklace & comfy white top with the lace yoke, also a great haircut on the blonde. I thought they were girlfriends, which they are, but the brunette is actually the blonde's boyfriend's mom. (Not too confusing) They were having a great time together! The pin-stripe shirt looks very classy & casual under the argyle vest. And she looks way too young to have a kid that old. They laughed when I told them I was looking for style in Yakima. Because they're both from Seattle. Oh well.
This is Renee', who is teensy little thing but always dresses to suit her frame: pea coat that's just the right shape & not overpowering on her, (okay maybe she got it in the kid's department), Burberry bag & cute new shaggy haircut. Toasty! Might as well drink to that too.

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