Sunday, June 29, 2008

Winemaker's Dinner

First let me say that my camera is going bonkers on me so after a good deal of whining I'm on my way to Target to replace it. So I hope you don't mind the crap quality of these pics but the next ones had better be better!
Winemaker's Dinner was Thursday night at YCC & everyone gathered to drink some wonderful L'ecole wines, enjoy the summer night, and show off a little bit of style.

Sandra, I must apologize. I had to take about 5 shots of her before I finally got this, and it's still not the best--but her outfit is perfect: off-the-shoulder black jersey top & black & white print mini with tiny ruffle. Ok, so this wouldn't be great on anyone who didn't have a tiny body, but Sandra looked fierce & fabulous that night.

Barb, Karen & Judi enjoying their wine & advertising my blog. Loved Barb's floor-length, strapless, leafy print--perfect for a casual hot summer night like this. And they're all so coordinated! Whew.
Who wore it best????? I love it when ladies show up at an event wearing the same event wearing the same thing. Ooops! No, this was actually planned and I wish the pic didn't look like I'd already had 3 glasses of wine (which I probably had). Pat got this fabulicious black T with sequined wine glasses and the message "Group Therapy" on it & liked it so much she ordered one for everyone in her bridge group. S0 Karen & Cricket joined in on the fun. Sorry you can't read them. That's why I already told you what it says. I think I need a little group therapy myself.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Gay, your Ummelina "journey" was hilarious! Glad you made it out safely....