But Yakimaniacs stepped up to the occasion with some interesting variations on summer casual party wear. Here are a few of them:
OMG where did this guy come from? There's a man in Tieton with style? (And can I keep him?) He said he bought the shirt because it looked like something Charlie Sheen wears in 2 1/2 Men. I wonder if he'd give his fiancee an 11 Carat rock like Charlie did?

The Orminskis came ready to party under the big top: she's in sequins & a boa, he's in seersucker with a pink bow tie. Loves it, loves it! A girl can never go wrong in sequins. Or maybe she can?

But here's the best part: his pink socks and hand-painted one-of-a-kind oxfords. With pictures of famous musicians on the toes. Now there's some art! Ramalamadingdong! Hang him up on the wall!

Kurt wore a Facconable pastel striped shirt & Earl jeans--not bad for a dentist, huh? ( Pronounced "Fackuhnahbul." Try that next time you go to Nord's so you can totally embarass yourself.)

Terri, cool as a cucumber in white with a boa added just for the circus atmosphere. How many women have boas just lying around? And actually wear them? Only for special occasions like this.

This is a beautiful skirt that's almost a piece of art by itself. (Of course being tall like Donna helps when displaying such art). The ruffled leather bag is a copy of the one YSL did a couple years ago; looks good with her outfit. And Jerry's shirt goes with it all! Did they color coordinate before they went to Tieton?

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